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Unveiling Diversity: <Year in TikTok LIVE>
2024 Global Corporate Promotional Video

TikTok LIVE 2024全球品牌宣传视频

In 2023, TikTok LIVE embarked on a mission to encapsulate the essence of its vibrant community of creators through a meticulously crafted video. The video production project aimed to highlight the diverse content and accomplishments within TikTok LIVE while resonating with internal stakeholders and a global audience.

在2023年,TikTok LIVE制定了新的发展愿景,通过精心打造的娱乐直播来体现其创作者社区的活力和激情。这个年度品牌宣传视频制作项目旨在突出TikTok LIVE内的多样化内容和成就,同时与内部员工和全球观众产生共鸣。

Within a tight timeline of three weeks, we collaborated closely to conceptualise, shoot, and edit a video that encapsulated the year's highlights on TikTok LIVE. The video was strategically designed to be showcased initially at the LIVE Fest Miami offline event, followed by dissemination across TikTok's global offices (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, LA, London, etc) and official social media accounts.


在紧张的三周时间内,我们中英两地团队与TikTok LIVE 7*24小时密切合作,构思、拍摄和编辑了一部视频,概括了TikTok LIVE过去一年的亮点。该视频首先在TikTok LIVE迈阿密年度盛典总会场上展示,随后在TikTok的全球办公室大屏幕(北京、上海、深圳、新加坡、洛杉矶、伦敦等)和官方社交媒体账户上发布。


The storyline of the video was meticulously crafted to showcase TikTok LIVE as a window to discover, a canvas to create, a bridge to connect, and a testament to achievements within the platform. Each section was carefully curated to provide a vivid portrayal of the diverse content and creators thriving within TikTok LIVE.


视频的故事情节经过精心设计,展示了TikTok LIVE对于创作者和观众来说,是发现之窗、创作之地、连接之桥,以及平台大力回馈社会的成就。每个部分都经过精心策划,以生动地展示TikTok LIVE内蓬勃发展的多样化内容。


We spearheaded the content planning process, ensuring that each segment of the video seamlessly transitioned into the next, creating a cohesive narrative. From identifying key highlights of the year to selecting representative clips, every aspect was meticulously curated to showcase the breadth and depth of content available on TikTok LIVE.


我们主导了创意内容规划的过程,确保视频的每个部分都能无缝衔接,形成连贯的叙事。从识别年度亮点到选择代表性片段进行剪辑,每个方面都经过COOLER制作团队的精心策划,以展示TikTok LIVE上可用内容的广度和深度。

With a keen eye for detail, we executed the shooting and editing phases of the project with precision and creativity. Capturing the essence of each segment required meticulous planning and execution, ensuring that the final product resonated with the intended audience.



The project was completed successfully and smoothly, exceeding expectations within the tight timeline. The high degree of completion and near-perfect reviews from internal stakeholders and the brand underscored the effectiveness of the video in achieving its objectives. By showcasing the diverse content and achievements on TikTok LIVE, the video succeeded in building awareness and appreciation for the platform's vibrant community of creators.


即使项目周期非常紧张,我们仍高度完成,并超出了甲方预期,收到了甲方近乎完美的评价。通过展示TikTok LIVE上的多样化内容和成就,视频成功地增强了大众对该平台的认知。


In conclusion, the TikTok LIVE showcase video served as a testament to the platform's commitment to diversity, creativity, and community. Through meticulous planning, execution, and storytelling, our video production team successfully captured the essence of TikTok LIVE, resonating with internal stakeholders and a global audience alike. As TikTok continues to evolve and grow, initiatives like these will play a crucial role in fostering connection and appreciation within its community of creators and users.


简而言之,TikTok LIVE 2024年度宣传视频成功地体现了该平台的多样性、创造力和社区氛围。通过精心规划、执行和讲述,我们的视频制作团队成功地捕捉了TikTok LIVE的精髓,与内部利益相关者和全球观众产生共鸣。随着TikTok的不断发展壮大,像这样的作品将进一步促进其创作者和用户社区之间的联系。

Project Manager: Joseph Wang

Account Manager: Grace Tan 

Production Director: Sun Xueyang Lin

项目经理:Joseph Wang

客户经理:Grace Tan

制作导演:Sun 林学阳

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