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Halloween Animal Theme
Cruise Party


A Taste of Home Aboard: A Halloween Night Woven with a Sense of Belonging 


Hungry Panda不仅仅是一家专注于为海外华人提供本土餐饮外卖的企业,它更是一种文化和情感的连接,弥补了身在异乡的华人和留学生与家乡之间的距离。


COOLER旗下活动策划品牌CO·PARTY为Hungry Panda策划的泰晤士河万圣节Boat Party不仅是一场视觉与味觉的盛宴,更是为在英留学的中国学生搭建了一个与家乡文化和情感相连的桥梁。






通过这场泰晤士河Boat Party,CO·PARTY不仅为Hungry Panda熊猫外卖提供了一系列全面而富有创意的服务,从主题策划到线下执行,更重要的是,打造了一个充满活力与新鲜感的社交平台。我们为这些身处异国的华人和留学生提供了一次家乡情怀与文化共鸣的难忘之旅。这场活动的圆满成功,再次证明,只要我们用心连接、用爱包容,空间的距离就不再成为障碍。

Hungry Panda is more than just a company specializing in delivering local cuisine to the Chinese diaspora; it serves as a cultural and emotional bridge that narrows the gap between expats and international students and their homeland.


COOLER's Halloween Boat Party on the Thames for Hungry Panda was not just a feast for the senses; it also established a heartfelt bridge to Chinese culture for students studying in the UK.


Designed exclusively for Chinese international students craving a touch of home, the party centered around a "Thematic Adventure" concept. Multiple engaging and challenging games were featured, with the winner being crowned "King of the Forest," attracting approximately 250 spirited participants.


To make the event more interactive and relatable, we infused elements of pop culture, including trending memes, movies, and other cultural references. This didn't just enliven the event but also emotionally resonated with the attendees.


Through this Thames Boat Party, CO·PARTY not only provided a range of comprehensive and innovative services for HungryPanda, from thematic planning to on-the-ground execution, but more importantly, created a vibrant and refreshing social platform. We offered these expats and international students a memorable journey of cultural and emotional resonance. The resounding success of this event proves once again that when we connect with heart and embrace with love, geographical distances cease to be barriers.

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