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烘焙与塔罗:The Melt的多维度魔法世界

Witches Tea Party | Brand Pop Up   女巫茶话会 | 线下快闪活动 


作为伦敦首家专业制作日式芝士蛋糕的烘焙店,The Melt以一种近乎“挑剔”的精神,从食材筛选到产品研发,再到视觉与味觉的双重体验,都体现了无与伦比的专注和诚意。

As London's first specialized bakery crafting Japanese cheesecakes, The Melt's commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of their operation, from ingredient selection to product development, and the dual experience of visual and gustatory delight. Their meticulous attention to detail and sincerity set them apart.


为了营造与The Melt独特气质相符的体验,CO·PARTY精心策划了一场以“女巫茶话会”为主题的线下快闪活动。由于The Melt的三位创始人本身就是塔罗牌解读师,活动巧妙地将甜点与塔罗元素相结合,营造出一种神秘而富有创意的氛围。

In an effort to create an experience that resonates with The Melt's unique character, COOLER orchestrated an offline pop-up event themed around a "Witch's Tea Party." Given that The Melt's three founders are tarot card readers themselves, the event ingeniously blended dessert with elements of tarot, cultivating a mysterious and imaginative atmosphere.



Regarding the venue decoration, we incorporated mystical decor such as crystal balls, wizard hats, and pearl candles, infusing the space with an enchanting aura of magic. Indulging in desserts in such a mystical setting provides a sensory experience unlike any other, as if each bite stirs the flow of mystical forces within.


CO·PARTY通过符合品牌调性的主题策划、定制装饰和精致的现场布置,不仅提升了The Melt的品牌形象,更把它打造成了一个能引发深刻思考和灵魂触动的多维度体验空间。在这里,您不仅能品尝到美味的甜点,还能沉浸在一种梦幻般的魔法氛围中。

COOLER's thematic planning, customized decor, and exquisite on-site arrangements, all in harmony with the brand's essence, not only enhanced The Melt's brand image but also transformed it into a multidimensional experiential space that sparks deep contemplation and soulful resonance. Here, you can savor delicious desserts while immersing yourself in a dreamlike atmosphere of magic.

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